CFI Members Received (4) IICRC CEH
We are please to welcome our newest Southern California member, Juan Lara with Royal Carpet & Floor Cleaning, out of Anaheim. This was Juan’s first CFI event.
Terry Jones, Southern California director and Eloy Flores, Southern California Junior Director, had a well-attended Southern California Chapter Meeting, held at the Academy of Textiles and Flooring on October 16, 2021. Long time members, new members, guests of members, non-members and other Chapter members attended and share their experiences and knowledge.
Frank Troiano (The Spot Dye Wizard) presented a live demonstration on spot dying. Frank was able to break down the science of stains caused by urine and bleach, in simple terms, understandable for us cleaners in the field. Frank explained the different methods and tools available for our use. Attendees were able to get hands on instruction and use Franks airless sprayer. Feedback was positive by all who attended on how impressive Frank’s demonstration was.
Terry Jones provided a live demonstration on carpet repair. Terry demonstrated how to do simple carpet inserts using a Cool Glide. Members were able to take turns using the Cool Glide on carpet samples. Discussion between attendees on out-in-field, real life experiences was very interesting and included solutions from the old timers.
Swap meet was small for the first time but went well. Edgar Alvarez has a truck with a truckmount unit for sale. Those interested in purchasing this unit should contact Edgar directly.