CFI Webinars for Carpet and Floorcare Professionals

The Carpet and Fabricare Institute (CFI) is excited to bring you our new webinar series! The series connects carpet cleaners across multiple stages of business development and helps them grow their business through mentorship and education.
The series includes four different webinars: Success Wisdom, Sin Miedo Al Éxito!, Meet the Experts, and Online Marketing Explained.
Success Wisdom features a panel of carpet cleaning professionals who answer questions about business. The show airs the first Wednesday of every other month.
Sin Miedo Al Éxito!, a Spanish webinar hosted by CFI professionals, helps Spanish speaking carpet cleaners grow their business. The show airs the second Wednesday of every month and is hosted by Jose Solorzano, Victor Dominguez, Miguel Rodriguez, and Eloy Flores.
Meet the Experts, hosted by Bryan O’Haleck, interviews experts in the field from marketing and advertising to cleaning operations. The show airs the first Wednesday of every other month.
Explore a range of online marketing topics such as SEO, newsletters, Artificial Intelligence, rank tracking, and analytics in “Online Marketing Explained.” Learn to optimize your website for search engines, track rankings, and leverage AI for enhanced marketing. This webinar airs the third Wednesday of each month and is hosted by Chauncey Haworth.
The CFI Webinar Series is a great opportunity for carpet cleaners to learn from their peers and expand their business.
Just a Sample of Our More than 100 Webinars
Sin Miedo Al Éxito!: Business Strategies with Single Truck Success - ¡Descubra cómo alcanzar el éxito sin miedo en el negocio de la limpieza! Aprenda a retener clientes, mejorar la comunicación y satisfacer las necesidades del servicio con nuestras estrategias probadas. Watch the Webinar
Online Marketing Explained: Assessing Where Your Business is Online - Assess where your business stands online with Chauncey Haworth in the debut episode of "Online Marketing Explained." Learn to boost your online presence, track marketing efforts, and improve effectiveness. Elevate your digital strategy today! Watch the Webinar
Success Wisdom: How Do Other Companies Succeed? Single Truck Success with Steve Marsh - Watch the Webinar
Sin Miedo Al Éxito!: El Nuevo Seminario Web de la Serie - Únete a nosotros para una serie de seminarios web informativos donde exploraremos los fundamentos clave para dominar la limpieza de alfombras. Estos seminarios están diseñados para brindarte conocimientos prácticos y estrategias efectivas que te ayudarán a convertir la limpieza de alfombras en una base sólida para obtener ingresos más provechosos… Watch the Webinar
Meet the Experts with Ellen Amirkhan - Unravel the mysteries of oriental rug care with "The Rug Tzarina" Ellen Amirkhan in this must-attend webinar hosted by Aaron Groseclose and Tim Baker. Discover expert tips on cleaning, repairing, and appraising oriental rugs, and get your burning questions answered by one of the industry's most distinguished figures. Watch the Webinar
¡Sin miedo al éxito!: Cambios generacionales y crecimiento en la limpieza de alfombras - Acompáñanos en "Navegando el Éxito en la Limpieza de Alfombras" mientras nuestro panel de expertos comparte ideas invaluables sobre la transición de empresas familiares, cómo establecer tu propio negocio, los beneficios de la limpieza fuera del sitio para tapetes orientales, la gestión financiera y la optimización de tu furgoneta de… Watch the Webinar