Southern California Chapter Meeting


Southern California Chapter Meeting

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Carpet & Fabricare Institute (CFI) Southern CA Chapter Meeting

Saturday June 24, 2023
9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Topics: Spot Bleach Dyeing and Running Your Own Business


1708 22nd Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Frank Troiano

Frank Troiano

The Spot Dye Wizard

Talking points- Spot Bleach Dyeing

Frank is a Senior Carpet Inspector, General Contractor, Master Cleaner and Master Dyer. Frank started in 1976 as a carpet installer and in 1980 expanded into carpet cleaning.

Frank is known as the “Spot Dye Wizard” and specialized in repairing colorless situations in nylon, wool, viscose, and sisal. Frank spends his retirement passing on his knowledge.

Mark Goodman

Mark Goodman

The Carpetbagger

Talking points- The “Do’s and Don’ts” of Running Your Own Business

Mark The Carpetbagger was started in 1963, by my father Joe Goodman. At 12 years old I was accompanying my dad on jobs and estimates (mostly on the weekends) At 15 I started working full time on weekends. I went to college, and worked full time in the business, eventually developing my own company, Fibermark in 1986, while in college. For a period of time my father and I worked together engaging both of our company names. When my father passed, I then merged the companies to start Fibermark Mark The Carpetbagger – aka FibermarkMTC. Today, FibermarkMTC is a full service business servicing, Los Angeles County Santa Barbara County and Orange County.

The Carpet and FabriCare Institute